Lineage tracing

Commonly used lineage tracers are Cre mice driven by specific promoters and Rosa26-LSL-Reporter mice, which are used together. Specifically expressed Cre recombinases will cleave the transcription termination sequence between loxP sites in Rosa26-LSL-Reporter mice, thereby activating the persistent expression of reporter genes. As this modification is carried out at the DNA level, the modification can be transmitted to progeny cells. Therefore, specific types of cells can be permanently labeled. By observing the fluorescence signals on the labels, specific cells and the proliferation, differentiation and migration of all of their progeny can be tracked. This is a powerful method for studying cell fate and lineage. 

See the following figure:


Application cases

Enhancing the precision of genetic lineage tracing using dual recombinases

Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc. provides customized gene knock-in mouse models with high accuracy and efficiency. Click here to find out more.

Or directly contact our technical specialist for more information on what we have to offer.


Relevant articles on lineage tracing

  • Genetic Fate Mapping Defines the Vascular Potential of Endocardial Cells in the Adult Heart  Circ Res(2018)

  • Enhancing the precision of genetic lineage tracing using dual recombinases  Nat Med(2017) 

  • Fibroblasts in an endocardial fibroelastosis disease model mainly originate from mesenchymal derivatives of epicardium  Cell Res(2017)

  • Identification of a hybrid myocardial zone in the mammalian heart after birth.  Nat Commun(2017)

  • Preexisting endothelial cells mediate cardiac neovascularization after injury  J Clin Invest(2017)

  • Mfsd2a+ hepatocytes repopulate the liver during injury and regeneration  Nat Commun(2016)

  • Endocardium Minimally Contributes to Coronary  Endothelium in the Embryonic Ventricular Free Walls  Circ Res(2016)

  • Genetic lineage tracing identifies endocardial origin of liver vasculature  Nat Genet(2016)

  • Endocardium Contributes to Cardiac Fat  Circ Res(2016)

  • Genetic lineage tracing identifies in situ Kit-expressing cardiomyocytes  Cell Res(2016)

  • c-kit(+) cells adopt vascular endothelial but not epithelial cell fates during lung maintenance and repair  Nat Med(2015)

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