Dysgenesis model

Prss37 gene knockout mouse infertility model

SMOC has independently developed the Prss37 gene knockout mouse model (Prss37 KO, Model No.: NM -KO-00016) by employing ES cell targeting. It is a homozygous male infertility model.


The following phenotype is demonstrated:

  • The Prss37 KO infertile mice exhibit normal spermatogenesis, sperm morphology and motility. In addition, A23187-induced sperm acrosome reaction and acrosomal enzyme activity in the infertile mice are comparable to those in wild-type mice.

  • The in vivo fertilization rate of Prss37 KO infertile mice is severely impaired as there are defects in sperm migration from the uterus to the oviduct.

  • The sperms from Prss37 KO infertile mice are unable to penetrate the zona pellucida and fuse with the ovum.

  • The mature Adam3 is absent from Prss37 KO infertile mice.


Fig 1. Prss37 gene knockout mouse generation strategy and expression validation



Fig 2. The sperms from Prss37 gene knockout mice are unable to penetrate the zona pellucida and fuse with the ovum

Shen C, Kuang Y, Liu J, et al. Prss37 is required for male fertility in the mouse. Biol Reprod. 2013 May 16;88(5):123.

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