EAE animal model

Protocol of inducing

6-8-week-old healthy female C57BL/6 mice were immunized by MOG35-55/CFA on day0. 


Validation data


Fig 1. Phenotype Score of EAE disease from 1 to 4

Score index

0, healthy;

1, tail paralysis;

2, impaired righting reflex 

3, one of hind limbs paralysis; 

4, both of hind limbs paralysis;

5, weight loss more than 20%; 

6, death.


Fig 2. EAE score from day0 to day30


Fig 3. The cumulative score for each EAE mice from day0 to day30


Fig 4. The day of onset of disease for each mice immunized


Fig 5. The day of peak of disease for each mice immunized


  1. The day of onset of disease focus on day10 to day12 after immunization on day0.

  2. The day of peak of disease is around on day17 and the cycle of disease is about 30 days.

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