Hemophilia Model

Blood coagulation assay set of hemophilia A (HA) mice

Laboratory animals

Hemophilia group: F8 or F9 gene knockout mice

Control group: wild type C57BL/6J

Experimental method

1. Tail-clip assays

2. Measurement of activated partial prothrombin time (APTT)

3. Assay of fibrinogen (FIB)

4. D-Dimer test

Introduction to the Experimental Procedure

The mice are acclimatized for 1 week and then assign to different groups for drug administration. Blood coagulation experiments are performed at 15 min after drug administration and 20 mice are tested every day. After the completion of the blood coagulation experiment, the mice are recovered for 2 weeks (about 30% of the HA mice may die during this period) before they are given the second dose of the drug. After 15 min, the eye of the mice is removed to collect whole blood samples, which are then treated to isolate plasma for the measurements of APTT and FIB as well as the ELISA assay of D-Dimers.

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